When I was pregnant, I researched all of the top baby items and tried to figure out which items to add to my registry. I definitely have a type A personality and love to be prepared so all of this was fun for me. Now that Isla is 4 months old, I've been able to figure out which baby items are the real deal and which ones we could have done without. Babies require a lot of stuff! These are just a few of the items that we use on a daily basis. I've linked these items on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app https://www.liketoknow.it/taylormalsch
Something that I really wanted was the Owlet sock. People have varying opinions on the Owlet, but I felt good knowing that I had extra reassurance that Isla was safe. Isla has worn her sock every night since we brought her home from the hospital and we have had no issues with it yet.
While I love the Owlet sock, I am not a fan of the monitor so I ended up buying the Eufy baby camera about a month ago. So far I absolutely love it and how easy it is to use.
Since before Isla was born, I planned to have her sleep in our room until she was at least six months old. I knew that we needed a bedside bassinet and ended up going with the Halo Deluxe. I like how close I can get it to the side of the bed and how the side can move up and down when grabbing baby, but oh my goodness, this thing is so extremely heavy and hard to move. The Halo is a pretty small bassinet so Isla won't be in it much longer, but to be honest, she ends up sleeping in bed with us most nights anyway.
We ended up going with the Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine after seeing a bunch of great reviews. We use it every time Isla naps in her room and like how it can be used as a night light and sound machine. I think we will get more use out of it the older Isla gets but I am happy with it so far.
Isla has used her Lovevery Play Gym since she was just a few weeks old. I like how it can grow with baby so you can get a lot of use out of it. Since Isla is now learning how to use her hands and grab toys, she has really started to enjoy playing in it.
I also got Isla a small wooden play bar that we use when we go places or just to carry from room to room since it is so portable.

When Isla was a newborn I didn't feel comfortable using a wrap or a ring sling, so the Ergobaby Embrace carrier was a great option. It's really easy to strap on and it's soft just like a wrap. I like to use this carrier on our long walks or if I'm trying to get a few things done around the house and need the extra support.
I spent so much time researching strollers and carseats. I wanted to know which was lightweight, had the top safety ratings, was easy to use, and of course looked good. After all my research I ended up choosing the Nuna Mixx stroller and Nuna Pipa carseat. I absolutely love both of these items.
I decided to get the Freshly Picked Classic City Pack for our diaper bag. I don't carry a purse anymore so I am glad that I went with a diaper bag that is both stylish and versatile.
When I first had Isla I was big on creating a freezer stash of breastmilk just incase I ended up needing it. I used the Kindee system and I feel like it saved me so much time and dishes. I currently don't use it since my freezer is overflowing with milk and Isla doesn't need bottles but I will definitely use it again in the future.
The Ubbi diaper pail is a godsend! The thing will almost be overflowing with diapers and you would never guess because it completely traps in the smell.

I've been showing Isla these contrast cards since she was just a few days old. I prop them up by her Mamaroo, we also take them in the car with us. She loves to look at the animals and it's so fun to see her truly interested each time we change the card.
Isla loves bath time and I think the Blooming Flower bath is mostly the reason why. It makes bath time so cozy and helps her feel secure and stay warm.
We have four diaper stations set up in our house; Isla's room, our bedroom, the living room, and the playroom. Each diaper caddy has all the essentials and is super convenient to grab if we need to take one on the go.
The Newton Baby crib mattress is completely breathable and the only mattress that you can submerge in water to wash. I love the peace of mind that the mattress will give me once Isla can roll on to her belly. It's also super comfy and isn't covered in plastic like a lot of mattresses are.
If you've ever cut a baby's nails you know that it is terrifying! From the beginning I've been using these safety nail scissors and it makes the whole process so much easier. I am able to quickly get Isla's nails done without cutting her.
I love having Isla's moses basket for when we are on the go and need somewhere safe to put her. It's also so fun to compare pictures in the basket to see how much our girl is growing! Once she grows out of it, it will be the perfect place to store her growing stuffed animal collection.

Out of all of my carriers, I definitely use my WildBird Ring Sling the most. I didn't start using it until Isla was about a month and a half old but now I use it multiple times a week. It's really convenient to toss in the diaper bag and throw on real quick if I am in a hurry (like when Isla is freaking out in Target).
One of our most used products is our Snuggle Me Organic. Isla took all of her naps (supervised of course) in this up until last month when we started to transition her to crib naps. We leave it out on the couch and Isla will hangout in it while we eat dinner or get some work done.
In the beginning we used a knock off Baby Bjorn bouncer but Isla was not a fan. We also have a Mamaroo that she will tolerate, but she definitely prefers the Fisher Price bouncer because of the way it cuddles her. She also likes the vibrate setting and loves to stare at the two little toys on the toy bar.
Before Isla was born I had bought a few different types of swaddles to see which ones we liked best. The Ollie Swaddle was by far my favorite. Isla was never able to break out of it and immediately calmed down as soon as we swaddled her. She slept in it every night until she was three month old.
Now that Isla is close to rolling back to belly we transitioned her out of the swaddled and into a sleep sack. We have a few different kinds of sleep sacks but prefer to put Isla in Kyte Baby. They are made from the softest material and keep Isla at the perfect temperature.

Have questions? Feel free to message me or comment on my post. I've linked these items on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app https://www.liketoknow.it/taylormalsch